About Us

We are set up to address the issues surrounding Orphans and Orphanages in Nigeria

Inspired by James 1:27

BITSEF is a non-profit organization founded and inspired by the Bible verse in James 1:27 that says, “Pure religion and undefiled is to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction and to keep himself unspotted from the world.”

Our Goal

We are set up to address the issues surrounding Orphans and Orphanages in Nigeria, with intent to wipe their tears, providing hope rooted in the love of God and empowering them for a better future.

Our Vision

To provide diverse kinds of support to orphans and orphanages in order to alleviate their burdens, help them achieve their goals and add meaning to their lives

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Our Mission

To change the narrative for Orphans and Culnurable Children by providing them with the Resources, Support and God’s love at every stage of their life

Our Focus Areas

We are accepting donations of any size. Donating 1% of your monthly income won’t hurt you but will serve a great job for these children

Spiritual Development Financial Support Educational Support Career Support Social Support


Our Strategy

We are employing a four-stage system (Engagement, Development, Positioning, Deployment) aimed at bringing the love of God closer to orphans and preparing them to be upstanding citizens that add value within their environment. 

These kids require your help!